Supporting our Writers of Colour Bursary 
Milford Anthology
Eclectic Dreams
A fundraising anthology for our writers of colour bursary. The contributing writers and editors donated their work and time.
Buy the anthology here
Swashbucklers in space and superhero grandmothers. Mountain magic and generation ships. War poets and the music of the abandoned. Inscrutable aliens and deals with the Devil. Isolated islands and the bureaucracy of futures. The mechanical possessed and the secrets of stately homes. These are a few of the stories that have passed through the Milford Science Fiction Writers' Conference over the years, scrutinized and pulled apart and put back together again before finding a place they call home.
We have gathered them together, along with reflections of their journeys, into this collection to support the Milford Bursary Scheme which provides funding for writers of colour to attend.
Each bursary fully funds a place (with full board accommodation) for the Milford Conference in September.
The bursary scheme is intended as an encouragement, not a quota. We operate an equal opportunities policy so all SF/F writers who are 'Milford qualified' are welcome to apply for paid Conference places. |